Dear Retailer,
We have created a new, dedicated Customer Support team who aim to resolve your enquiry with one call. On your behalf, the team will use their connections within the Bestway network to provide you with a timely response to your enquiry.
Please see the list of the common enquires from our retailers, we do however encourage you to call the team to discuss topics outside of these areas where you require help and support:
The team can be contacted on 012708 43100 Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm including bank holidays, or you can email them at
By accepting an invitation from Bestway Direct Technical Support: You accept total responsibility for any changes made to the desktop content or system settings: You confirm that Bestway will have no liability ( whether, direct, indirect, consequential, in tort or otherwise) for the linking and viewing of any desktop content. The operation of the scanuploader software or hardware performance: and you agree that this limitation of liability is fair as no concideration or reward has been paid to bestway for their assistance. As such, Bestway Direct Technical Support recommends you have up to date virus definitions installed and remain at your desktop and obsserve the entirety of the remote session. Bestway cannot disclaim liability for personal injury.
Once the remote accesing software has been downloaded, you must click on 'run' and then provide the user i.d and password to the technical support operator.